

My name is Zsolt Horváth, kicsiZso, chef, BBQ and grill fanatic.

The road so far had its ups and downs.  As a child, I wanted to be something else – football player, later train driver like my grandfather used to be.

But, as we all know, sometimes life is unexpected. I had successes in football, but it stayed as my childhood hobby. I have completed a railway profession training, but I left it because of the many bureaucratic rules.

 What a good decision it was to apply to a gastronomy school!

Since that I faced several crossroads, but I’ve learnt from my decisions and I live accordingly. Though as a chef I didn’t receive any Michelin stars, but thanks to my hard work, I’ve become a head chef in 5 years and in a few years – with my business partner at that time – we’ve opened a breakfast place.

I’ve never been a calm person, I’ve always loved to try out new things. BBQ has arrived to our country in 2014, and I was among the first ones who started working with this method. Of course, I needed an offset smoker to do that, which was built by my uncle. Smoke became my addiction, so much that we started building smokers and attending BBQ competitions.

Back to grilling

It was an exciting period, I’ve met a lot of great people. Though after a few years, I’ve had enough of the smoke of BBQ, and turned back to grilling. I had to admit, I really missed the taste of this world. The next step was to make my own grill oven, so Bodrog Hibachi was born.

I’ve seen a machine like that before at an international kitchen expo and it gave me the idea. The HIBACHI Inox Plus grill for restaurants was followed by a flat-pack grill named Inox. Some life experiences popped up the idea of making it – during our summer vacations, we wanted to grill, but unfortunately not all accommodations were proper for it.

It was an important thing to make it fit in hand luggage – so the task was given to our laser cutter to turn this version into reality.

The grill oven worked! Portable, easy to assemble and disassemble. Even in Switzerland, they allowed us to bring it on-board in our carry-on luggage. We and friends who tried it loved it too, because it gives us freedom.

Our dream is to make this freedom available for everyone, so we  launched a brand new and improved version of the flat-pack Bodrog Hibachi.

Come on!  Let’s check out what it really is about!   😉

On the website, you can find our previously built ovens, testimonials from users and you can check out the current selection of grills and ovens, small and large. 
